So how does a mom with 3 kids (ages 5 and under) stay sane?! By taking the incredible kickboxing classes offered at JSK 5.0 Pasadena. I started my kickboxing journey in July 2017, 6 months after having my third child and it was the best decision I could have made for me and my family!

Doing kickboxing for me has not only been a great workout, but also great outlet to relieve some stress. When I started working out my goal was to lose as much of my post pregnancy weight as possible, so I would check the scale regularly to see how I’ve progressed. Now I rarely check the scale because I can feel the difference in my strength, stamina, and attitude that a number on the scale doesn’t mean as much to me as it did before. A big part of that turn around is due to the wonderful instructors.

The kickboxing instructors are amazing and truly one of a kind.  They are always ready to encourage and motivate you, making you feel that ‘Yes I Can Do This’. Everyone that comes to kickboxing cheers the other person on, making it known that this is an uplifting and supportive community. By the end of the workout you leave with a great amount of sweat on your back and a BIG SMILE on your face.

Thank you JSK 5.0 Pasadena!